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Kathryn Tworkoski

Keep ’em Coming: An Overview of IND Updates

June 2, 2020 | Kathryn Tworkoski, PhD, RAC  |  Principal Clinical Research Scientist In the past, we’ve written blog posts explaining what an Investigational New Drug (IND) is, providing guidance on pre-IND meetings, and outlining the submission and maintenance of…

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Current Topics in Orphan Drug Development

December 14, 2018 | Kathryn Tworkoski, PhD, RAC, Senior Clinical Research Scientist  │ Regulatory Affairs, Medical Writing, Drug Development Consulting Long-time readers of this blog will recall (with great enthusiasm, I’m sure) our previous posts on rare diseases, INDs, preparation for pre-IND…

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The Ins and Outs of INDs

February 16, 2018 | Kathryn Tworkoski, PhD, RAC | Clinical Research Scientist II | Regulatory Affairs, Drug Development Consulting Introducing a new therapeutic agent to human patients can be simultaneously exciting and nerve-wracking. Over the years, we’ve had a lot…

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