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Components of a Successful Regulatory Strategy for Drug Development

Creating a successful regulatory strategy for drug development is important for venturing through the complex landscape of bringing new pharmaceuticals to market. This process makes sure that new drugs meet stringent safety and efficacy standards, making it a critical part…

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The Complete Regulatory Pathway for Medical Devices: From Concept to Market

The complete regulatory pathway for medical devices from concept to market is filled with intricate steps, evaluations, and planning. It’s an essential path for bringing safe and effective medical devices to the public. This process, while complex, is designed to…

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Why Regulatory Affairs is Important in Drug Approval

Regulatory affairs is critical for the successful approval of new drugs. Regulatory affairs consultants and professionals guide the complex journey from pre-clinical to market, managing rigorous testing, compliance with global standards, and ensuring drugs are safe and effective for consumers.…

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Women’s History Month

Nancy Smith Senior Vice President, Medical Writing Services After I completed my PhD (in biomedicine with a focus on immunology), I was solidly entrenched in academia as a post-doctoral scientist at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute. While the rapidly evolving…

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Medical Writing in Clinical Research

In the evolving healthcare landscape, medical writing in clinical research is a critical mainstay, seamlessly translating complex scientific discoveries into accessible, regulatory-compliant documents. This unique blend of science and communication allows breakthroughs in medical research to navigate the rigorous path…

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Medical Writing vs. Regulatory Affairs: Understanding the Key Differences

The intricacies of medical writing vs. regulatory affairs reveal an intersection of science, communication, and law, pivotal to the healthcare industry’s backbone. At its core, medical writing focuses on crafting well-researched, clear, and concise documents related to drugs, devices, and…

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